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5 Best Medical Psychology Books for Medical Students

Written by Natalie Nyugen | Apr 15, 2022 7:49:09 PM

Health psychology is also known as medical psychology, or behavioral medicine refers to a branch of psychology that examines how psychological, biological, and social factors affect health. Health psychologists aim to improve overall health and prevent illness.


Development and Theory Of Medical Psychology


The history of psychology has seen the importance of health. Many of the pioneers in psychology came from medicine. Psychology, however, places a greater emphasis on mental than physical health.


Interest in the role of psychological health in overall well-being and wellbeing has increased since the 1950s. In the 1960s, the development of the Health Belief Model, (HBM), by a group of psychologists including Irwin Rosenstock was a landmark in health psychology. HBM was developed to explain why certain people are not getting vaccinated against tuberculosis. It posits that a person's ability to engage in health-promoting behaviors is affected by their beliefs regarding the severity and susceptibility of an illness, the benefits, and costs of the behavior, as well as the presence of cues to take action.


We have highlighted the best psychology books for medical students.


A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine


Daniel Hack Tuke


This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly in other nations. 


The Nazi Doctors


Robert Jay Lifton


Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book PrizeWith a new preface by the author in his most powerful and important book, renowned psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton presents a brilliant analysis of the crucial role that German doctors played in the Nazi genocide. Now updated with a new preface, The Nazi Doctors remains the definitive work on the Nazi medical atrocities, a chilling exposé of the banality of evil at its epitome, and a sobering reminder of the darkest side of human nature.



A Basic Theory of Neuropsychoanalysis 


W.M. Bernstein


Dr. William Bernstein of Santa Fe, New Mexico introduces a theoretical framework for studying the mind. Specifically, an attempt is made to frame ideas from psychoanalysis and cognitive-social psychology so that they can be taken readily into the realm of neurobiology. Psychoanalytic Theory still represents a very comprehensive theory of the human mind. It includes cognitive, emotional, and behavioral variables, plus the idea of unconscious mental operations. The 'pleasure principle and 'repetition compulsion' were Freud's most general concepts of mental functioning. These concepts by Dr. Bernstein are renovated to get them "on the same page" with ideas from social cognition and neurobiology.



Abnormal Psychology


William J. Ray


In Abnormal Psychology, best-selling author William J. Ray brings together current perspectives concerning the manner in which the human mind, behavior, and experience can be understood. In addition to the traditional psychological literature, this book draws from work in cognitive and affective neurosciences, epidemiology, etiology, and genetics. Ray focuses on unifying and integrating the biopsychosocial understandings of human behavior within a broader consideration of human culture and language as it applies to abnormal psychology. 



Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings


Bryan D. Carter, Kristin A. Kullgren


This handbook examines pediatric consultation-liaison psychology in pediatric medical settings. It offers a brief history of pediatric psychologists’ delivery of consultation-liaison services. The handbook provides an overview of roles, models, and configurations of pediatric psychology practice in diverse inpatient and outpatient medical settings. Chapters discuss the most frequently seen major pediatric conditions encountered in consultation practice. Coverage includes evaluation, intervention, and treatment of each condition. Each clinical condition addresses the referral problem in the context of history and family dynamics.